
Thank you for being interested in the No1. adventure park in Croatia. We are open every day from 9.00 to 17.00. If you wish to climb then please arrive before 15.00. The best experience is had by those who arrive in the morning, this is a very big park and most people are here a minimum of 4 hours. We are extremely safe and a wonderful experience will be had by all.
Occasionally we are not in the park during working hours, please just call 00385 91 896 4525 and we will be with you in minutes.
See you here :-)



Glavani 10
52 207 Barban
tel. (00385) 98 224 314  per Nevenko, croato
tel. (00385) 91 896 4525  per Nigel, inglese

Troverete il Parco di Glavani sulla strada tra Dignano (10 km) e Barbana (6 km). Se vi trovate sulla Pola – Albona girate a Manjadvorci e proseguite fino a Glavani, arrivati in paese, girate a sinistra e dopo 300 m sarete arrivati al Parco.

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